Investing in a personal grow space can successfully bring down the cost of medication to just the cost of nutrients, water and electricity to grow the plants as well as the cost of the plants. For example, more and more people are now growing medical marijuana at their places with the help of the stealth grow box. Sounds great, right? So, it is the high time when you should get all the equipments and get growing. Creating the indoor grow room for the beginners is neither expensive not complicated. Only a few equipments in your hand and you are ready to start growing. Let’s get the details now:
Space of growing:
- The personal grow rooms don’t need much space, mainly if the clones are bought instead of grown in the separate grow rooms. The space around three feet wide, two feet deep and four feet height would be adequate to grow all the medications that you need.
- You can choose to buy the grow cabinets for sale for growing the plants, but before you buy, you must check whether the grow room is properly sealed from light or not. Building or re-purposing a cabinet works great or you can even choose to grow in a closet.
- Ensure that whatever surface in which the plants would be setting on is capable of draining into the container, which can be emptied easily as some amount of drainage during the watering can be expected and this is really good for the plants.
- For the personal grow rooms, you can choose to buy sodium lamps with four hundred watts high pressure. This thing is undoubtedly the largest investment in growing, but this can be a small investment as long as you are aware of which light to purchase for the first time.
- You can also purchase a cord, reflector and a ballast together from the grow shops. In the majority of the grow shops, you will find the models with all of these components built together.
- Ventilation is highly important in the grow rooms. So, whenever it is possible, a duct fan must be used to remove the oxygen rich, humid and warm air from the grow box and force the air to expel outside or to re-circulate through the home.
- Air must be allowed in the grow space without allowing the light through. Small fans can be installed inside the grow rooms to keep the air moving around always. This thing will encourage stronger stems while deterring the pests.
- The time with around one grounded outlet is important to regulate the night/day cycle.
- You can use the organic potting soil or the high quality soil-less mix available at the grow stores and even in some good quality garden centers.
- Soil and containers are important elements for planting. The containers for the mid and small sized plants should be three to five gallons. But the hydroponic set ups and the decorative planters cost more.