A Few Things to Know About Nutrient Solution of Your Hydroponic System

The hydroponic system uses a formulated nutrient mix to fertilise the plants. Moreover, nutrients are formulated to meet the needs of the plants. Either you arrange an automated system or manage the fertiliser system on your own to maximise the plant growth. According to experts, the hydroponic system must be tested once a day. The frequency at which your system is tested is important. Even if there is small to smaller fluctuate, that should be taken care of. Here are a few things you should keep measuring for nutrient balance-

  • Key measurements of your nutrient solution: 

pH and EC are the key elements to measure in a hydroponic system. Whereas pH is the measurement of acidity, EC denotes the salt present in your system. By checking the pH levels, you can find how different organisms interact with nutrients. Though every crop has a specific pH range, most herbs and greens overlap within a range. However, make sure the pH levels remains between 5.5 and 6.5, and there should be no fluctuation more than .5 per day. On the other hand, the EC should vary from 1.2 to 2.0.

  • Nutrient solution temperature: 

One of the overlooked yet important aspects is the nutrient solution temperature in an automated weed grow box. But why? Plants grow in soil, which naturally adjusts the ground heat. If you have ever dug soil, you may have found how cool and moist it is. It is that ideal environment where roots grow. Well, nutrient solution temperature may vary from plant to plant. The ideal hydroponic temperature should be between the 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • What if the temperature of the nutrient solution rose? 

It causes a number of problems including heat-stress for the plants. Excess heat leads the plants into survival mode, and the plant will abort fruiting and dropping flowers.  High water temperature even kills the microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. On the other hand, cold nutrient solution temperature causes due to fall and winter slow down plant growth.
Besides ensuring nutrient solution temperature, it is good for ensuring root zone temperature within the range. The reservoir temperature is a big part of making sure what temperature is going to happen. Moreover, its location, construction etc. can influence the root zone temperature.
Lastly, a hydroponics system cannot function without the nutrients and proper temperature of the nutrient solution. So, having an automated growing operation is an excellent way to raise plants. For example, an insulated grow cabinet is partially enclosed system for growing herbs, vegetables and flowers with an automated nutrient supply and temperature control.

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